Saturday, September 09, 2006

Plugged up to HELL!

Supposedly you can get any electronic item your heart desires here, for only about 10% more than the states. Of course that cost doesn't include the equipment needed to actually use it. First off UAE is on 220V/240V (I don't actually know which it is...), and most gear from the states is on 110V/120V. So means I need a converter to get over. A 100W converter costs about 100DHS ($1 = 3.67DHS) and the plug converter is about 12DHS. So as an example, our US made baby monitor plugs into the transformer/converter which plugs into the plug converter and then into the wall.
Sorry for the bad formatting above... But the part that kills me, is that nearly everything electronic comes in the European plug format versus the above 3 rectangular plugs (UK Style). Why not just either change the wall sockets or change the cables coming out of the appliances?

Anyhow, it's just annoying trying to plug anything in even without the sometimes needed transformer.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The dating scene

So last night I was in one of the MANY malls in Dubai (Deira City Centre I think) and someone brought up the "Underground Dating Scene." My vast understanding of the Islamic culture gathered over the past 2 weeks tells me that a young unmarried woman should have no interactions with men that they are not related to.

So the new fancy way for young ladies to meet guys is as follows:
1) Carry a folded piece of paper containing your cell number between your fingers (so as to make it slighly visable).
2) Make eye contact with some hot young person.
3) Casually drop your slip of paper (digits included) on a handrail, ashtray, or some such for the other person to pick up.
4) Secret text messages and phone calls ensue.

I think the amazing part is how key a roll the cellphone plays in this underground dating.