Monday, December 18, 2006

MBP dead again.

So for the third time since getting my new 15" MacBook Pro I have
 sent the damn thing off for repair.  Again I had a failed HDD, and 
again I lost data.  I take backups, but I'm not religous about it.  I 
mean, who would think that a new HDD would die within 3 weeks?


So I'm using KDE+FreeBSD for my desktop while I wait for the god awfully slow Apple service to come and fix my laptop.  

So why do I have all these failures with that MBP?  I suspect that it maybe a heat issue or bad grounding.  At home we pile our MacBooks on top of each other like a little naughty horizontal Apple dance.  Since my MBP loves to absorb heat maybe running Mariko's on top just produced too much heat and zapped it.  I don't know if this has been the cause for all 3 HDD failures, but I think it is for at least this one.


diabolical_mdog said...

It was the will of Allah

mistercaseyca said...

Those crappy Macs. Too bad Apple sucks so much. I'm not even looking forward to all the stuff Apple is supposedly coming out with at Macworld next week. I'd hate to be even remotely associated with a company like that.